Permanently self-cleaning facades - free from dirt and algae
A fresh, clean facade is the calling card of every home and commercial building. We make sure of that now permanently. The coating ensures the beading off of dirt particles. Even fine particles are decomposed by photocatalytic properties of the coating. Usual cleaning cycles can be significantly extended by the self-cleaning effect. This saves considerable cleaning costs and protects the environment and your wallet.
The protection at a glance
- Photocatalytic self-cleaning
- Permanently algae, moss and mildew free
- Stain-resistant
- Long-lasting new effect, "as freshly painted"
All common facade building materials can be coated.
The world of new facadea is versatile. Different binding systems help to solve
- mineral plasters and paintings,
- Cleaning and painting with plastic parts,
- Façades made of natural stone or concrete.
Your Neufassade radiates for many years like new - you shine with long-lasting customer satisfaction and best referral business.
Efficient reduction of manufacturing and maintenance costs
Our coatings do not increase the manufacturing costs of the building. Because expensive protective coatings with biocidal or algicidal effect can be completely dispensed with. For plaster facades, for example, a solid conventional mineral paint finish is sufficient; The coating then takes over protection against algae and other harmful environmental influences.
The coatings permanently reduce the maintenance costs of the building. Extensive façade cleaning and re-painting are largely a thing of the past. At most, the facade must occasionally be rinsed with clean water.
Environmental protection - your growth market
Our product is capable of producing more than 85% of harmful gases, eg. As exhaust gas nitrogen oxides (NOx), formaldehyde, benzene and VOC (volatile organic compounds) in our environment quickly and effectively eliminate. Toxic nitrogen oxides are mainly reduced to harmless nitrates and can be easily washed away by the rain.
1,000 m2 of photocatalytically coated façade surface are able to clean our air just as effectively from pollutants within just 12 (light) hours as 70 large deciduous trees!
Permanently clean components
There are many applications in the construction industry where our coatings provide great benefits, such as:
- noise barriers,
- retaining walls,
- Stone or concrete enclosures,
- roofing.
Virtually all common building materials can be coated, e.g.
- Facades and building components made of natural stone or concrete,
- ceramic components,
- Cladding and components of aluminum and other metals (with and without powder or lacquer coating),
- Components made of plastic or acrylic glass,
- mineral plasters and paintings,
- Plasters and paints with plastic components.